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Video player features

If you intend to use the MCLS video player (either through the web embed or native SDK), you may wish to customise the experience. While you can turn on or off certain elements through config parameters, there are other things you can do. A few common features are listed below.

Event posters and thumbnails

When creating an event through the MCLS console or API, there are two (optional) image URL fields that you can enter: poster URL and thumbnail URL.

The poster URL should be a URL to a large image (preferably of the same aspect ratio as the video stream it belongs to, e.g. 16:9). When providing a poster, the video player will show this image while there is no video stream available, rather than showing the event title and description. It is recommended that this poster has dimensions large enough to scale to meet the embed experience that you intend to offer on large screens.

The thumbnail URL should be a URL to a smaller image. The MCLS video player currently does not use this image anywhere, and we advise you to use this when you want to show a list of events on your own website or app. For example, if you dynamically retrieve the list of upcoming events for your organisation through the MCLS API, you can use the thumbnail URL to represent this event in your own UI.

If you have more advanced use-cases in mind, you can also consider creating extra fields on your event type that you can use to pass image URLs to your client.

User-facing MCLS API

If you are thinking about dynamically showing MCLS content on your own website or app, consider using the MCLS API for this. The MCLS API is roughly divided into two parts: an authenticated API that is meant to be used by you and other authorised yours only (e.g. for creating streams and events in your organisation), and a public BFF (backend-for-frontend) API that is user-facing. For listing events on your website or app, see this. For getting the details on a single event, see this.

Tip: BFF endpoints still require an Authorization header. This is the public key that you obtain after creating an MCLS organisation.