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Push & Pull based ingest

Push vs Pull ingests

MCLS offers you two distinct ways to connect your stream to MCLS.

Push ingest is the default, when selected we generate endpoints for you to send signal to. As mentioned above, Pull-based ingests require you to Start pulling the signal from the source in order to start your stream.

How to use it

Push based ingest

Creating push based ingests streams is the most straightforward option. You only have to select "Push based ingest" when creating a stream.

Pull based ingest

With a pull based ingest signal is ingested from an external source. This can be another MCLS stream or even a 3rd party provider. We currently support the following pull based protocols: * HLS * RTMP(s) * SRT * RTSP In order to configure the pull ingest correctly, make sure you select the correct protocol.

Pulling signal from another MCLS stream

When you want to pull signal from another MCLS stream you will need to use the pull URL. You also need to make sure "Enable raw pull endpoint" is enabled on the transcoding config. We'd recommend creating workflows where you use multi streaming to send signal to another MCLS event instead of pulling signal from another MCLS stream.

In order to start a pull ingest based stream you need to Start the pull from the MCLS console.

After a pull has been successfully initiated the stream will appear in the console and transcoding can be initiated. The stream will behave exactly the same way as a push ingest based stream after the pull has successfully been initiated.