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When a stream needs to be sent to multiple destinations, you can use push endpoints to do so. Currently the following protocols are supported:


At the moment we support a maximum of 10 push endpoints per stream.

Examples/Use cases

Pushing a stream to YouTube

In order to push a stream to YouTube you need to have an existing YouTube live event. You can find out how to do this here: Once you've set up your live event, select that you want to stream using an encoder. Under stream settings you will find the following:

First, copy the Stream URL (rtmp:// and paste it into the push endpoint. Then add a / at the end so the URL looks like this:

Now copy the streamkey with the copy button and paste it after the last / character so the final URL looks like this:

How to use it

You can configure push endpoints when adding or editing streams. In order to edit a stream go to streams, click on the 3 dots and select "Edit Stream". When you are on the Edit stream screen you can add push endpoints.

You can enable transcoding for push endpoints. You'll need to select a streaming config and a video representation if you wish to use transcoding. You can optionally set a delay, a delay of 0 seconds means real-time so no artificial delay is added.

The stream endpoints accepts the following format:

RTMP: rtmp://[server_endpoint]:[port]/[app]/[streamkey]

For example:
