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VOD upload guide (User Interface)

  1. Log in to the console from your account.

  2. Once you login, you will be able to see the events related to your project. 

  3. To access the "upcoming events" tab, simply click on it.

  4. Kindly click on the "create event" option situated at the top right corner of the page.

5. Please fill out all mandatory fields which include Title, City, and Date & Time.

6. In the gray box under stream settings, change stream type to “file upload”.

7. After completing the previous step, a field will be displayed below. Click on "choose file" to proceed with uploading the desired file.

8. When the file has been selected, click on “upload” to complete the process 

9. Once the upload process is initiated, you will observe the progress of the file loading. Upon completion, you will be automatically redirected to the event page.