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Introduction to Video Representations

Video Representations is where you create new and edit existing video qualities for your streams that will be used in our HLS playlists.

How to define video representations for your embedded player.

All video representations for embed codes are managed using stream configurations.

Visit "Stream configurations", open the relevant stream configuration, and scroll down to the "Video Representations" section. Here you will see a list of all the selected representations for the stream config you are viewing. If you do not see a list, click on "Manage video representations" to assign them.

Select the options you want to assign to the config, and if required, click the "Add new" link to create one.

Representations created by you belong to your organisation and can be used in multiple stream configurations and used for your RTMP push endpoints.

When you've assigned the required representations, all you have to do is save the stream configuration. All future streams using that configuration will have the selected qualities available for the user to choose in the embed player.

Note: If you enable "Follow source FPS" in the HLS / Player Transcoding section, the framerate specified in the representation will be ignored, and instead, the framerate of the incoming feed will be used for your transcoded feed.

How to define video representations for RTMP push endpoints.

Creating representations:

Using the menu, Click on Video Representations under the Stream section.

From this page, you can create new or edit existing video representations for your organisation. In addition to your own entries, you will also see a list of pre-defined representations created by MCLS.

Click on "Create representation" and fill in the name, width, height, aspect ratio, framerate and bitrate, then click create.

Assigning representations to RTMP push endpoints:

When creating a stream, you have the ability to define multiple RTMP push endpoints, each using its own video representation. To do this, create a new stream, scroll to the "Push the stream to external services" section, and make sure "Enable transcoding for this push endpoint" is selected. Then select the desired video representation.

That's it. When you stream, those endpoints will receive transcoded playlists using the selected video quality.